Ãëàâíàÿ > Çàÿâè, çâåðíåííÿ > Facebook. Is that fraudulence network trustworthy?
Facebook. Is that fraudulence network trustworthy?12-08-2016. Ðàçìåñòèë: Admin |
Facebook. Is that fraudulence network trustworthy?
Over and over again I’m calling the Ukraine society’s attention, worldwide and in Ukraine, onrather occupational and frankly hostile facts concerning Facebook activity. I’ve been placing emphasis on extremely aggressive occupation activity of Facebook in my previous public speeches and analytical materials. Zuckerberg, claiming the presence of his Ukrainian roots, along with his swindling Facebook, continue demonstration ethnical and lingual discrimination, which is forbidden by international agreements. As a result, displaying his absolute disrespect to Ukrainians and furious hatred to all that belong to Ukraine. Having detected recurrent facts of occupation and enemy actions of Facebook, I was repeatedly informing Ukrainian society, that after my personal pretension to Mark Zuckerberg concerning offensive national and lingual discrimination and also 5-months ban, I was temporary unblocked form Facebook on March the 21th, but then, on April the 6thof 2016, blocked again from using occupation "social” network among Ukrainians, being "sentenced in Facebook prison”. This time the ban was based on fabled and designed reasons of security verification and personal identification, with absolute no explanations and feedback , which is kind of psychological tortures. Having tried to meet the requirements of Facebook, I was constantly made the efforts to identify myself and verify my account, with no result one way or another. Or, to be perfectly clear, I was allowed to prove my data by endless guessing of different photos, but then took away all the chances to insert and confirm my phone number. I was intentionally led to the blocking of three my accounts on Facebook in the guise of self-security. My last publications and posts are paid attention on the fact of Zuckerberg’s cynical, lingual and national discrimination towards the Ukrainians , which is disallowed by international agreements. Banning me and the information I spread, this time, again happened with the manifestations of lingual and national discrimination, violence and fraudulence. Thus, my 2nd Facebook account was the result of violentand fraudulent ban of the 1th one. The 3rdone, again the result of the same story with the account number two, and this time I couldn’t even put my real surname, using different one – "Volya” all in all. When I’ve been spending my time, trying to get rid of first two accounts, Facebook "put grit into machine” by absence of Ukrainian language in settings, then by installing common passwords for all the accounts, which is caused the inability of deleting two useless accounts. As a result, me intent to delete those accounts leads me to overall deleting of all accounts. Meaning – creation of additional accounts for the same person (which is disallowed) is a systemic fraudulence of this "social” network, used only for indulging criminals and thieves, for humiliation, chasing and destroying Ukrainian patriots by means of lingual and national discrimination. This ban started from the moment I distributed my own article Native roots become a national concept (+video) , which I revealed in my previous article Statement of occupation and enemy actions facts in of Facebook . His position clearly demonstrating discrimination and gives all the reasons not to trust Facebook, the network of organized criminal groups, spreading the war, occupation, violence, fraudulence and slavery in the world. I’m asking you to consider this and all the previous public statements on http://mahno.info/website, on correspondent Twitter page and Facebook page ( Stanislav Stetsenko ) concerning Facebook activity NOT as wining or complaint of offended and humiliated person, BUT as a system of human rights security statements, aimed on preparation of a correspondent lawsuit in to the European Court of Human Rights for using a Facebook as a center of lingual and national discrimination and as a mean of aggressive war in all its exertions. All the known facts of discrimination and chasing the Ukrainians, especially ended by shot, abductions, prisoning and killing Ukrainian patriots, volunteers and military troops and the front youcan send to the email of our organization mahnofond@gmail.com or via mail using following address: Hulaipole City, Zaporizha region, 70200 to Stetsenko Stanislav. Support it and repost at most. Together we going to be the winners. Gloryto Ukraine! To heroes the glory! Stanislav Stetsenko / Mahno.info - Ukraine Âåðíóòüñÿ íàçàä |